Deborah Perrotta is a Brazilian visual artist, photographer and filmmaker currently living in Vienna. Identity, memory and forgetfulness are themes that she seeks to explore through different techniques and languages, whether in fiction or in documentary projects; in photographs or moving image. While developing her personal projects, she collaborates with artists from the music field, art galleries and cultural institutions.

Films - Direction, screenplay, editing:

2021 // Todos os rostos que amo se parecem (All the faces I love look alike) – color, experimental, 15′
2020 // Domicílio Incerto (No Fixed Abode) – color/BW, documentary/experimental, 43′
2020 // Um filme em dois atos (A film in two acts) – color, experimental, 7′
2016 // A Bolsa (The Bag) – color, fiction, 17′
2014 // Le Petite dejeuner – color, fiction, 4′

Selected Film Exhibitions:

2023 // WE:NOW - Festival Internacional de Jóvenes Artistas y Creadores en Madrid (Spain)
2023 // Morocco Shorts International Film Festival with "All the faces I love look alike"
2022 // 3rd GIFF- Gandhara International Film Festival with “All the faces I love look alike”
2022 // 8o Bogotá Experimental Film Festival with “All the faces I love look alike”
2021 // Interface Video Art Festival with “All the faces I love look alike”
2021 // 75 o Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Salerno with “All the faces I love look alike”
2021 // 22nd Izmir International Shortfilm Festival with “All the faces I love look alike”
2021 // 17th Athens Digital Arts Festival with “All the faces I love look alike”
2021 // 18th Cheongju International Short Film Festival with “All the faces I love look alike”
2021 // Filmóptico – International Art Visual and Film Festival with “Domicílio Incerto/No Fixed Abode”
2021 // 29.a edição do Ecocine – Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental e Direitos Humanos with “Domicílio Incerto/No Fixed Abode”
2020 // 13rd La Cabina Festival Internacional de Mediometrajes de València with “Domicílio Incerto/No Fixed Abode”
2020 // 14th Festival IN OUT with “Um filme em dois atos/A film in two acts”
2019 // 7th Festival Tudo Sobre Mulheres with “A Bolsa/The Bag”
2017 // 33rd Chicago Latino Film Festival with “A Bolsa/The Bag”
2017 // 13rd Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival with “A Bolsa/The Bag”
2016 // 11a Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto CINEOP with “A Bolsa/The Bag”
2014 // Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro – Curta Cinema 2014 with “A Bolsa/The Bag”

Collective exhibitions (photography/video):

2023 // "they are erasing you" at the "EM-BODIES" exhibition. Semmelweisklinik, Wien, Austria.
2022 // “in between” at the “Foreign Affairs” exhibition. FOMU- Fotomuseum Antwerp, Belgium.
2022 // "in between" at Masters Expo, Antwerp, Belgium.
2022 // ïn between" at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp Open House, Antwerp, Belgium.
2020 // “La virtù di non essere più” at Forme del Desiderio Competition by Dynamis – Luogo del Pensiero. PHOS. Turin, Italy.


2023 // Close:Up Edinburgh Docufest - Best Experimental Documentary with “All the faces I love look alike”.
2023 // Plot Point Film Festival (Italy) - Best Direction with “All the faces I love look alike”.
2022 // 2nd Cinema Nomade FilmFestival (Italy) - Special Mention.
2022// Special Mention to “All the faces I love look alike” at FUSE – Film Under Severe Experiment. Karlovac, Croatia.
2021 // “All the faces I love look alike” awarded as Best Direction and Best Cinematography at the 10th edition of the Cine Curtas Lapa. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
2020 // Public choice award for the best work with “La virtù di non essere più” at the Forme del Desiderio Competition by Dynamis – il Luogo del Pensiero. PHOS. Turin, Italy.
2019 //”A Bolsa” Best Student Short movie at the 7th Festival Tudo Sobre Mulheres. Brazil.


2021-2022// Masters in Fine Arts in Photography at Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. Belgium.
2011-2014 // Cinema. Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Brasil.

Full CV and porfolio by request.



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